Legal Notice - Privacy Policy is a website that offers to Internet users, access to information through all the pages in it, access to content and news directly on their pages or by links to other addresses for access free on the net. Use of this site is subject to the following terms of use. Please read them carefully to provide. By accessing this website, which is accessed through the website owned Unlimited Training, and use the materials contained herein implies that you have read and accept, without reservation, these conditions.
1 .- Terms of Use
1.a. - This website contains materials prepared by Unlimited Training, informational purposes only. The user should be aware that such materials could not reach to reflect the latest status on the issues discussed. The materials contained in it may be amended, extended, reduced, eliminated or updated without notice.
1.b. - Access to the materials contained on this website are not intended to replace or substitute relationship between professionals Unlimited Training, and the user of this website. Therefore, the user should not act on the information contained therein, without prior recourse to the appropriate professional advice.
1.c. - Links (links) contained in this website, and redirects the user to other websites operated by third parties, which Unlimited Training, has no control; Unlimited Training, or not responding the content and status of those sites nor recommends or approves their contents.
2 .- Limitation of Liability
2.a. - You use this website, you do so at your own risk. Unlimited Training, its partners, collaborators, are not responsible for any errors or omissions that could suffer the contents of this website or other content that can be accessed through the same, nor for any action taken on the basis the information it provides.
2.b. - Unlimited Training, does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could damage or alter the computer system, electronic documents or files of the user of this website. Accordingly, Unlimited Training, is not responsible for any damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone faults or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system caused by reasons beyond Unlimited Training, delays or blockages in the use of the system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloading of the Internet system or other electronic systems, as well as damage caused to others by means of illegitimate intromission beyond the control of Unlimited Training.
3 .- Intellectual Property Rights
3.a. - The entire contents of this website, whether text, images, sound files, trademarks, logos, color schemes, or any other element, its structure and design, selection and layout of materials included therein, and computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, are protected by copyright and intellectual property owned by Unlimited Training, or, where applicable, its licensors, the user this website must comply. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or logos of any kind on the website of Unlimited Training, are protected by law.
3.b. - User acknowledges that intellectual property rights on the website, graphic design and codes are the property of Unlimited Training, unless the other title thereto is indicated. The reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation of such works, except for personal and private, is an infringement of intellectual property rights of Unlimited Training, or the owner. These acts of exploitation may only be carried out with the express permission of Unlimited Training, and always with explicit reference to the ownership of Unlimited Training, the listed intellectual property rights.
4 .- Data Protection
4.a. - Pursuant to the Law 15/1999, the user of this site is informed, so explicit, the incorporation of their data files in Unlimited Training, and consents to Unlimited Training, carry out the processing of their personal data are expressed in these conditions or arising from them, with the purpose of carrying out their proper development, compliance and control, to its total cancellation. Unlimited Training, also is authorized to use such data for commercial purposes, being the recipients of services commercial and technical Unlimited Training, and may send the user information of commercial products and services. You also agree that their data may be transferred to other group entities Unlimited Training, subsidiaries or others with which Unlimited Training, sign cooperation agreements with commercial purposes in order to have informed the user of the goods or services that are marketed as permitting users to receive information from these on any goods or services sold directly or indirectly, in the present or future.
4.b. - In any case, the user is entitled to request and obtain information from their personal data in files and, where appropriate, correct and cancel such data, as provided in this Act . The department responsible for the file will be the Information Systems Unlimited Training, Such rights may be exercised by the user or, where appropriate, by anyone representing, by signed written request addressed to: Unlimited Training, Rambla Egara, 307-309 5è A -08224 TERRASSA - Barcelona (Spain). The request must contain the following information: name of the user, correspondence address, photocopy of identity card or passport and content of the right exercised.
4.c. - Unlimited Training, save the personal data has been collected, and take the necessary steps to prevent its alteration, loss, or unauthorized access. Unlimited Training, perform these duties in accordance with the applicable rules.